Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Rollerblading Update

I should have posted this on Saturday, however I never got round to - too many brownies were consumed and I forgot basically :-)

So I went rollerblading with HSBP and Squid on exactly the same route as the one I took in the last rollerblading event, and came out unscathed. There was a little PTSD as I came up to the slope again, but I handled it by walking down the grass at the side of the slope - a good strategy I thought (well I made it the bottom without taking on the landscaping this time)

On the injury front, I still have the grazes and the bruise on my knee is about the size of my kneecap, located just below - and is making yoga a bit like a gurning event for me given the number of times I can be on my knees in a yoga class - not fun.

On another note about the same saturday- I started to learn how to poi - and I like! I am going to buy myself some rather lovely purple fluffy poi - thank you Jim for the inspiration. Well I will when I get paid anyway, I am rather broke right now - booooo I want my poi.

1 comment:

Linus said...

We are a hobby addicted group. In addition to your blades, soon you will have poi, handball gloves, badminton racquet, a kite, a couple boomerangs...