Friday, May 18, 2007

The Rollerblading Incident

I have now officially tested out the Rollerblades that I bought a week or two ago. I woke up naturally at 8 this morning (yes freaky and rather ironic given my last post on sleeping too much) and saw the weather was looking so nice that I simply had to try them out.

And it was a lovely day for it - by the time I go to the greenbelt it was around 10am, so on went the blades and off I went, rapidly remembering that the last time I had bladed was around 10 years ago and I wasn't all that good at stopping even then. But aside for the odd minor hitch it was good fun. There was a rather challenging wooden bridge that was very uneven but apart from that and the odd wobble I got back into the swing of things rather quickly I thought.

So off I went down the Union Pacific loop, little critters scattering to their burrows in terror, possibly as a natural reaction or possibly as a result of the shock of someone English taking up a very American past time, I shall never know the truth on this matter sadly. Then at the end of the loop I came back upon the challenging wooden bridge, but the slope that came up from it, that hadn't seemed that steep when I went up, from this side it took on all new perspective. But I didnt realise this until I was going down, and then it was simply too late too do anything about it. So I increased speed, hit a wooden post and spun off onto the bridge. OUCH

Luckily, although the wrist brace was off (badly timed itch), the worst damage sustained was a scalped and bruised wrist and knee as well as other bruising of course. Oh and bruised pride, as although the greenbelt had been otherwise empty up to that point, at the exact time of my fall along came two cyclists. So, after a phone call to calm myself down a little, I picked myself up and off I went back to my starting point a lot slower than I had been when going the other way.

Two notes to self: pay more attention to hills and buy some damn safety gear (I was so enthusiastic about buying the blades at the time I forgot all about it :S). Well I am going to get on with my day, bruised pride and body and all.

That is all


Linus said...

As the recipient of said call, I was all prepared to rush out and rescue her in my best Prince Charming style... but she shrugged it off and returned home under her own power. She is tougher than she looks...

Linus said...

We have been skating since then, and Miss KT did fine. We even took the same route that knocked her down, and she didn't have any PTSD attacks... :)