I have a job at a call centre atm, hence the title, it's not great but hey it pays the mortgage and gives me the flexibility to do my masters degree. Essentially though I cant escape that I have basically sold my soul to TLC.
But it does give you the advantage of a great deal of freedom mentally as, if we are going to be honest here, its hardly the most stimulating of jobs. This also results in some of the most random conversations that i have ever had (and speaking as a member of the flock this is quite a statement in itself as i am sure they can verify). So i feel that these combined features will result in a series of blog posts about my working life.
So I thought i would use this post to introduce the main characters who feature in my working day:
MissC - I don't even know where to start here really, so maybe not the best first choice! - a unique, quirky amazing dress sense, kinda hippy meets boho i guess, a very talented artist as you can see in the photo of the mural on my sitting room wall:
A caring friend who has been great to have around even though we still don't know each other that well and amazingly scatty, coming out with some of the silliest and naive things I have ever heard, mostly a result of her young years (so hopefully some good quotes to put on here soon)
Lady J - elegant, ladylike, my sensible side magnified and personified. In fact very much how I could have been if I was a)more sensible (that doesn't make her very sensible just more so than me) b)hadn't had my horizons so dramatically broadened and brain broken by the flock and c)the corruption hadn't been completed in other ways by my blonde haired English boy.
Also very clever, she is law major, and kind of gives me hope as it means I am not the only graduate to be stuck in a job like this!
Wonderboy (ok so I'm listening to tenacious D right now i confess) - I don't know where to even begin describing him - he's amazing. Mad, hyper active, a love of fashion that is only exceeded by his love of music, an amazing sense of quirkiness and a love of outrageous colours (and no, in case you're wondering, he's not gay). A very talented lyricist also. Our conversations are repeatedly punctuated by explosions of passion about something or one of us disappearing from it to write an idea down. A real find.
Sianykins - not really a nickname as she as already been mentioned in the blog. Again a version of myself, in this case frighteningly like me when I was her age (19). Absolutely mental, giggle fits galore are had when I'm around her, loving, caring, very cuddly, cares about things and people almost to a fault. A real lifer of a friend (i hope).
Obviously these aren't all the people I work with, but they are the people who's company I spend the most time in, who I enjoy spending time with and who have made an impact on my life somehow, whether its in attitude, life consideration, clothing advice or simply helping me feel I am not alone in going through what I am, and of course providing me with some real big good ol' belly laughs.
Ok - so now you need to get each of them to write a guest blog describing you...
hmm an interesting concept - i shall have to see if they will - hope nothing too horrible gets said!
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